Ok... so its been what like 3 months since I have posted.... I apologize. I'm sure most of our followers have given up on us by now. A lot has changed since last time. We are loving life with our baby girl. Mark just finished up most of his work for this semester and is gearing up for finals. Within the last week he has had an emergency appendectomy and traveled to Lubbock for a moot court competition. Beth is doing school, mostly from Dallas, and working as a part-time Chaplain at Children's Medical Center. Baby Charlotte is growing and exploring life. She stays with Beth's Dad on Mondays and Mark's mom comes to help when Beth has to work overnights. I will continue to update yall on the past few months in the days to come, as well as share some of our many pictures of Charlotte. If you would like to see Charlotte's pictures
Click here to visit Beht's Flickr Page or
Click here to visit Charlotte's Shutterfly Page.
And, here are some pictures Beth took this afternoon. Beth took baby Charlotte to a neighborhood park so she could play in the leaves. As you can see, Charlotte is sitting (although in this picture she is trying to get to the leaves off in front of her) and attempting to crawl.