I felt like I passed a milestone today, not sure what that it. Last night I got excited because I noticed my uterus has been growing. I know it sounds a bit silly, but I had noticed that it was beginning to pooch out a little. Then, last night when I rolled over on my stomach I was shocked to feel my uterus pressing back up against the mattress. My muscles around the uterus have been hurting a lot lately, so I knew they were preparing to stretch so it could allow for room to grow.
I don't know how much longer I will be in my new (fat) jeans. Which is too bad because I just bought them 2 weeks go. When I drive to school and back I have already got in the habit of unbuttoning them. I am going to purchase a Bellaband soon so I can wear all my pants unbuttoned. I know I don't
need this yet, but boy does it feel more comfotable! I am not looking forward to getting fat, but I am looking forward for people to know that I am pregnant. There are a lot of people in my everyday life that don't even know yet. It is always so fun to see people's expressions when they first find out!
All day today I was just so excited about the Baby. I spent quite a bit of time dreaming about what he or she will look like. I can't wait to take care of such a small person. I just picture myself sitting in a glider with a boppy pillow holding my baby. I can't beleive how much I already desire to hold my baby, and I have 30 more weeks to go before I will get a chance. I read in my book that you can first feel the baby kick/move between week 16-20. My sister-in-law says its not all that exciting the first few times because I probably won't know what it is. Being pregnant brings an abuandance of new feelings, I don't really ever know where my new pains are coming from.
I will post a belly pic the first day I really feel like I have a good pic. Right now I just look bloated and poochy. But, in just a few short weeks, I will have a full fledge belly.
Oh, if I haven't yet told you, I am getting really tired of this whole morning sickness thing. It should stop around week 12-14, only 2 more weeks hopefully!

This is what a Bellaband is for those who don't know. You can wear you pre-pregnancy pants unbuttoned and with the band over it. It holds them up and smooths out the top of the pants. Supposedly they are really comfortable and allow you to stay in your pre-pregnancy clothes for longer.