Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 21

Our baby should now weigh about three-quarters of a pound and should be approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. (However we are expected our baby to be bigger than this. We will find out at our sonogram net Monday.) Our book says "You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better." And, yes her little fluttering kicks have turned into strong kicks that actually startle me, especially if I'm sitting in class and it comes out of the middle of nowhere. I also don't understand: does she just sit in the womb and kick her feet over and over again for minutes at a time? I guess she could be boxing or maybe a kick-boxing, a little combination of both. I haven't really noticed any patterns to her movements. Other than, she is very active almost all-day. In other developments, our baby's eyebrows and eyelids are now developed. I love to feel her move and make herself known. 

People (that know me and see me everyday) have been commenting on the baby bump. They say I really look pregnant and little Charlie is making herself known. Also, a few random people have begun to ask if I am pregnant. I love that people can tell. I will see if I can get Mark to take another picture of me soon so I can post my ever growing belly on the web.

This past week I was on my home from school and just hit Alvarado, which means I had been driving for about an hour. One of my favorite songs by Taylor Swift came on the radio, so I turned the volume way up to sing along. When the song was over, the well-known "Baby Got Back" song came blaring on the radio. And, immediately, Charlotte started dancing in the womb. I turned the volume down a little but left it up while she danced along. It was fun to feel her moving all around. Charlie's Aunt Laura has predicted a dancer from the beginning because one of the first sonograms looked like she had "jazz hands." So we have been referred to our very active baby as a dancer, which is good since we are having a girl. Either way, I'm not sure if I want me daughter dancing to "Baby Got Back." But, we might have a little dancer (a whole new world for Mark and I). 

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